There are 3 things that both my husband and I are both passionate about (and unfortunately for me, shoes is not one of them).
- Wine
- Travel
- Books
Books might be our biggest shared passion, if only because it is slightly less expensive than the other two.
Kindles and I-pads make all the sense in the world, however neither of us can begin to think about departing from actual books. Turning their pages, cracking their spines...simple pleasures.
There has been a large queue growing of books I have to read (esp now since I finished the amazing Hunger Games trilogy) that have been burning a hole is my nightstand table.
It is actually after seeing them listed out that I realized they are all non-fiction accounts of great women's lives.
Happy reading to me and I promise to share any yummy tid-bits that Gael Greene shares (fingers crossed she writes about Mick Jagger)....
Why this picture is amaze: - Zooey
- Alexa
- Zooey's coat
- Zooey's purse
- Thumbs up
- Alexa's eye brows

First glittery NYE clothing and now a health-related New Year's resolution? I should just change the name of this blog to "Morning Person Cliche".
But before I do that let me just explain that my New Year's resolution is not the typical one of losing X number of Lbs or fitting into that pair of #&*@^! skinny jeans that taunt me in my closet.
No no no, this is so much more than that. It is to just be healthy.
To make sure I am as active as I can be
To make sure all the foods I put into my body are the best that they can be
To not stress, feel guilty or worry about every little thing that I cannot control
HAPPY 2012!!xxoo,