For some reason I tend to be doing that with our upcoming (much needed) Mexican vacation. To say I am excited about it would be a drastic understatement, I am counting the days till we get to go, however it has gotten me wondering where the next vacations will be...
South Africa is at the top of our list, we have already begun the very tentative planning to embark during the winter of 2012.

My sister swears that they only reason my husband and I want to go to India is because we adore Indian food, but I swear it is much more than that.

A trip to ANYWHERE is France is a must for me. I have been devouring everything and anything by Peter Mayle these days and have always fantasized about spending a long weekend in Paris (doesn't that just sound glamorous).

A trip back to Sicily to see, spend time with and (most importantly) eat with family is a must.

Greece, Prague, Amsterdam, Argentina, Morocco....yea would not be saying no to a ticket to any of those destinations as well :)